About Me

Honestly this whole blog is about me I guess. My journey to actually pay attention to the world around me. However, every journey requires a beginning, a basis to start with.

I am a white male, born in the very early 70s. I had an unusual childhood that of course shaped my view, but also biased it. I grew up around Vietnam War veterans who were also members of multiple motorcycle clubs. The lifestyle I grew up knowing was not the main stream, so I was not exposed to mainstream biases in the same way as others (except through the media of course). Some of my beliefs were more liberal and equal, some were probably even more problematic then what this blog will cover.

Now as I am firmly hitting middle age I realize that I had blinders on. With the help of my wife and friends I have met (both in the real world and here on the web) I am learning about privilege, racism, sexism, religious intolerance and inherently horrible assumptions we are taught by society to take as normal.

I am hoping this blog will let me write about my experiences and self discovery. A lot of posts will be pointing at problems, some posts will be about my reactions or even about my life growing up in comparison.

I would love feedback, this is a learning experience. I plan on making video blogs as well as written posts.

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